Sequenz - Plains Zebra fighting

Sequenz - Plains Zebra fighting

Black / Hook-lipped Rhino / Spitzmaulnashorn

Black / Hook-lipped Rhino / Spitzmaulnashorn

Löwen bei Klein Namutoni im Etoschapark

Löwen bei Klein Namutoni im Etoschapark

Hook-lipped Rhino / Spitzmaulnshorn

Hook-lipped Rhino / Spitzmaulnshorn

Young Giraffe Bulls fighting at Erindi

Young Giraffe Bulls fighting at Erindi

Giraffenfohlen säugt bei Stute

Giraffenfohlen säugt bei Stute



Elefantenbulle auf der Andoni Plain

Elefantenbulle auf der Andoni Plain

Elefantenbeobachtung am Moringa Wasserloch

Elefantenbeobachtung am Moringa Wasserloch

Suikerkelkie / Cordon royenii

Suikerkelkie / Cordon royenii

!Nara / Nara

!Nara / Nara

Ondili Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp Premium Tent

Ondili Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp Premium Tent

Ondili Namib Outpost Namib Outpost Pool View Superior Suite

Ondili Namib Outpost Namib Outpost Pool View Superior Suite

Ondili Namib Outpost Namib Outpost Superior Suite Pool

Ondili Namib Outpost Namib Outpost Superior Suite Pool

Ondili Brigadoon Guesthouse Garden View 1

Ondili Brigadoon Guesthouse Garden View 1

Ondili Brigadoon Guesthouse Breakfast Room

Ondili Brigadoon Guesthouse Breakfast Room

Okonjima Okonjima Nature Reserve Activities 44

Okonjima Okonjima Nature Reserve Activities 44

Ondili Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge Bedroom View Suite

Ondili Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge Kalahari Red Dunes Lodge Bedroom View Suite

Ondili Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp Pool View

Ondili Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp Pool View

Ondili Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp Sundowner View

Ondili Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp Sundowner View

Onguma Bush Camp Deluxe Rooms

Onguma Bush Camp Deluxe Rooms

Ondili Timelen Guesthouse Shady Place In The Courtyard

Ondili Timelen Guesthouse Shady Place In The Courtyard

Ondili Namib Outpost Namib Outpost Main Building

Ondili Namib Outpost Namib Outpost Main Building

Okonjima Okonjima Experience013

Okonjima Okonjima Experience013

Okonjima Okonjima Luxury Bush Camp Pool

Okonjima Okonjima Luxury Bush Camp Pool

Okonjima Okonjima Luxury Bush Camp View From The Restaurant

Okonjima Okonjima Luxury Bush Camp View From The Restaurant

Strauss Am Sossusvlei

Strauss Am Sossusvlei

Willkommen zu LEaflove Safari


Wanderung am Sossusvlei & Deadvalley bei starkem Wind

Wanderung am Sossusvlei & Deadvalley bei starkem Wind

Dünen in der Umgebung und bei Sossusvlei

Dünen in der Umgebung und bei Sossusvlei

Suricate / Erdmännchen

Suricate / Erdmännchen

Yellow Mongoose @ Kalahari Park 10

Yellow Mongoose @ Kalahari Park 10

Sociable Weaver / Siedelweber

Sociable Weaver / Siedelweber

Golden Tailed Woodpecker / Goldschwanzspecht / Subspecies Anders

Golden Tailed Woodpecker / Goldschwanzspecht / Subspecies Anders

Brubru / Brubruwürger

Brubru / Brubruwürger

Ondili Meumbo, a guided Safari

Guided individual journey, flexible, high-quality, sustainable, and with an unbeatable value proposition.

You are here:


16 days
can be arranged flexibly


Guided individual tour

Group size

(1-7 persons per vehicle)


trilingual Guide


Ondili Meumbo means “I am at home” in the language of the Ovambo, Namibia’s largest ethnic group.
Our collaboration with Ondili Lodges blossomed from a shared weekend in their private nature reserves, which exude a unique idealism and a genuine commitment to preserving nature and practicing sustainability.
On this journey, our guests enjoy accommodation of the highest quality in breathtaking natural reserves at a fair local direct price. In addition to the Ondili Lodges, we have carefully selected two excellent lodges actively engaged in conservation, protecting vast areas and channeling a significant portion of their earnings into preserving the surrounding habitat.
This trip offers you a chance to experience Namibia’s prime attractions, with top-notch accommodations and an unbeatable offer from us.




Day 1

Arrival at Windhoek International Airport. After picking you up from the airport, we'll head to the capital city, Windhoek. Upon your arrival in Windhoek, an exciting day awaits you, starting with a city tour that explores the culture and history of this modern African city.

Days 2 & 3

We drive through the camel thorn savannah of the central high plateau until we reach the diverse linear dune landscapes, karstic limestone ridges, and expansive salt pans of the Kalahari. The linear dunes of the Kalahari offer an abundance of diverse wildlife and birds in a typical African setting.

Days 4 & 5

The Namib Desert impresses with its overwhelming vastness and breathtaking landscapes in a sparse yet rich environment. A rewarding hike onto the dunes offers a fantastic view. The dry riverbed Tsauchab presents another geological attraction - the "Sesriem Canyon."

Days 6 & 7

Swakopmund is a small coastal town where there is plenty of time for strolling. In good weather, you can even sunbathe, visit modern and colonial landmarks, and enjoy coffee. A very charming, romantic town, with diverse tidal areas and bustling dunes... a place where one could easily extend their stay.

Day 8

The smooth granite walls of Spitzkoppe distinctly tell visible stories of hunting scenarios and wildlife, painted by indigenous people. An inselberg rises from the flat terrain, featuring breathtakingly impressive granite formations and rare flora, where special birds can also be found.

Days 9 & 10

Twyfelfontein & Desert Elephants, Rock Engravings, and Burnt Mountains. Here, the towering Ana Trees, also known as "Winter Thorn Acacias," grow, producing red pods – a delicacy for desert-dwelling elephants.

Days 11 & 12

Etosha National Park - Central Etosha National Park is one of the richest wildlife parks in Africa! Naturally, you can spot numerous animals during your drive. With a bit of luck, you may have optimal observations of elephants and big cats – patience and an early start often pay off here.

Days 13 & 14

Etosha National Park - East The chances of seeing lions are particularly high here. However, the dwarf antelopes, paradise cranes, and often rhinos are also fascinating in this region.

Day 15

Cheetahs and Leopards at the Africat Foundation. Here, you'll encounter more than just the desired big cats. Brown hyenas, white rhinos, and even porcupines can provide wonderful moments in the African bush.

Day 16

Departure Now you've had a taste, and we know you'll be back! Until then...
Detailed itinerary

Day 1

People, colours, shopping, and culture


Overnight stay with breakfast

not inclusive:

Dinner @ Joes’ Beerhouse

Windhoek, the colourful bustle of Africa

Upon your arrival in Windhoek, an exciting day awaits, starting with a city tour exploring the culture and history of this modern African city. Compare the old architecture with contemporary structures and delve into the city’s diverse past.
Enjoy a delightful shopping experience in the downtown area, where you can browse local crafts, from hats to authentic local leather shoes called „Vellies“.

We’ll guide you through Windhoek’s informal settlements and visit the Penduka Women’s Project, showcasing the resilience and courage of these women.

After a day filled with discoveries, we invite you to unwind at the world-renowned restaurant, Joe’s Beerhouse.

Days 2 & 3

Red sand, ancient trees


  • Full-board
  • 2 game drives into the linear dunes not only showcase impressive landscapes but also provide an opportunity to observe a variety of birds and different animals.

Rippling linear dunes of the Kalahari

Our journey takes us through the Camel Thorn savannah of the central plateau until we reach the diverse linear dune landscapes, crusty limestone ridges, and expansive salt pans of the Kalahari. The most captivating feature of the Kalahari reveals itself in its colours! With dark orange-hued dunes and brown-green Camel Thorn woodlands, the Kalahari is a true paradise for photographers. Along our route, you can discover gigantic Sociable Weaver nests in ancient Camel Thorn acacias. With a bit of luck, you may even encounter a Cape cobra, which often raids the nests of communal birds. We also observe a variety of wildlife, including gemsboks, springboks, frequent kudus and zebras. We particularly enjoy sightings of ground squirrels and other small mammals like meerkats.

Days 4 & 5

… the highest star dune

  • 2 Nights at a fantastically situated lodge with its private nature reserve in close proximity to the Namib-Naukluft Park.

    Namib Outpost


  • Full-board
  • Day trip to Sossusvlei

Dune landscapes at Sossusvlei, the Sesriem Canyon & fantastic desert scenery

The Namib Desert impresses with its overwhelming expanse and breathtaking landscapes in a seemingly barren yet rich environment.
Particularly striking is the dune landscape in the morning light, encompassing the highest of its kind worldwide and creating an unforgettable panorama.
The Tsauchab Dry River has cut off the path to the ocean, forming the unique “Sossusvlei” – a clay pan surrounded by ancient camelthorn acacias and green, thorny !Nara plants, framed by impressive high red star and crescent-shaped dunes. A worthwhile hike up the dunes offers a fantastic view.
The Tsauchab Dry River presents another geological attraction – the “Sesriem Canyon.” Ox-wagon drivers once had to bind six thongs together to draw water from this gorge. Take the opportunity for a short hike into the canyon; it will definitely be rewarding.

Recommendation: Glide over the Namib Dune World in a Hot Air Balloon

There are those things you just have to experience! Weather permitting (as it can get very windy), the hot air balloon from Namib Sky takes off amidst the dunes and hills on the gravel plains of the Tsauchab. Enjoy a beautiful view of the dune and mountain landscapes and the interplay of various colourful scenery in the morning light.


If you wish to take a balloon ride, it would be advisable to extend your journey by an additional day!

Days 6 & 7

moderate climate…


  • Overnight stay and breakfast

not inclusive:

  • Dinner (there are various restaurants in Swakopmund, and we are happy to assist and reserve a table for you…) In different high-quality establishments, you can enjoy a wide selection of fresh fish and delicious seafood daily. For those who prefer hearty meat dishes, authentic roast pork of the finest quality is also served here.

Activities around Swakopmund:

The town of Walvis Bay is just 30 km south of Swakopmund and offers a diverse destination with an 11,000-hectare lagoon. Tens of thousands of seabirds, seals, dolphins, and occasionally whales and sunfish “Mola Mola” enchant visitors to this world natural heritage site.

  • A leisurely and extravagant version of the visit is offered through a boat cruise, where fresh oysters and champagne are served.
  • For those who want to get even closer to nature and truly experience seals up close, booking a kayak tour on the lagoon is an excellent choice.
  • Take a guided city tour with a real Swakopmunder. Learn the truth, history, and secrets of this city.
  • Scenic flights over Namibia’s dune and desert landscapes. We recommend the 2 – 2.5-hour flight for an unforgettable experience.
  • Embark on a well-planned dune drive to encounter Namibia’s special “Little Five,” bringing you closer to the desert’s small creatures.
  • Sounds strenuous, but it’s refreshingly adventurous! Explore the beautiful dune landscape effortlessly and sportily with a Fatbike from Swakop Fatbike Tours.

Through the oldest desert to the Atlantic…

The gravel plains of the Namib stretch out before us, occasionally interrupted by mountains or a shimmering horizon. The long, straight roads are adorned here and there with small dust trails. We traverse the area through circuitous routes, passing through granitic sculptural landscapes, ancient erosion valleys, and dry riverbeds. The surroundings are marked by deadly silence, yet sometimes giraffes, often zebras, and antelopes can be spotted.

We set out on foot to explore the cave of the two geologists, whose story is recounted in the book „Sheltering Desert”. Please lace up your hiking boots.

Along the way, we discover the world-famous “Welwitschia mirabilis” (1500 years old), lichen fields, and the erosion valley of the Swakop Dry River, also known as the “Mondlandschaft” (Moon Landscape).

Swakopmund is a small coastal town where there is ample time for leisurely strolls. In good weather, you can even sunbathe, visit modern and colonial landmarks, and enjoy a cup of coffee. Private coffee roasteries, a renowned gin distillery, numerous artists of various styles, and a distinctly relaxed atmosphere may tempt you to extend your stay. Here, you’ll find, among other things, the best-managed private museum in the country, an oceanarium, a crystal gallery, and a small bathing bay we call “Mole.”



Day 8

Magmatic, gigantic and beautiful

  • 1 night in an enchanting landscape with a stunning view of the gigantic Hohenstein, an impressive granite boulder, at a carefully selected lodge.

    Hohenstein Lodge


  • Dinner, overnight stay and breakfast

Spitzkoppe & the mighty Erongo

In the distance, the most famous “inselberg” in Namibia, the Spitzkoppe, rises like a natural monument from the flat gravel plains of the Namib. The smooth granite walls of the Spitzkoppe bear clearly visible stories of hunting scenarios and wildlife, painted by indigenous people. The landscape imparts a fairytale-like impression and provides breathtaking photo opportunities. The gigantic granite spheres of the Erongo are truly impressive, and visitors feel almost “dwarfed” between the towering rock walls of these magma mountains. Exploring this region on hikes or walks reveals some legendary rock paintings, semi-endemic bird species, and a remarkable semi-desert flora.

Days 9 & 10

Rock Engravings & Pachyderms in the Desert


  • Dinner, overnight stay and breakfast
  • Guided tour to the petroglyphs at Twyfelfontein. Guided (we know our way around) 4×4 game drive in the Awa-Huab dry riverbed to track down the desert adapted elephants.

Twyfelfontein & Desert adapted Elephants

A fascinating highlight is Twyfelfontein, known for its 4000-6000-year-old petroglyphs, the “burnt mountain,” and the basaltic “organ pipes.”
Approximately 200 million years ago, enormous prehistoric “Cordaites” trees were washed in by massive mud floods from Central Africa and covered with muddy deposits. The lack of oxygen led to petrification, and these “petrified trees” are now presented as remarkably peculiar geological formations.

The dry Huab River finds its way through this geologically significant desert area to the west. Here, the gigantic Ana trees, also known as “winter thorn acacias,” produce red pods—a delicacy for desert-dwelling elephants, let’s go and search for them.


Days 11 & 12

Lots of them Animalia

  • 2 nights in the central area of the National Park at an enchantingly beautiful private lodge outside the park.

    Etosha Oberland Lodge


  • Full-board

Etosha National Park – central

The Etosha National Park is one of the richest wildlife parks in Africa, despite being relatively dry. The over 4,000 km² salt-pan generates artesian springs on the southern shore, known as “contact springs.” Especially during the somewhat drier and warmer seasons, a variety of wildlife gathers here.
The central area is more open and covered with acacias, while the middle part features a dense mopane forest.
In the east, you’ll find a dry woodland. Each of these vegetation types harbours different species of animals.

During your drive, you can naturally spot numerous animals. With a bit of luck, you may have optimal observations of elephants and big cats – patience and an early start often pay off in this regard.

Days 13 & 14

Even more animals…

  • 2 nights at a well-located lodge in the eastern part, directly adjacent to the park.

    Onguma Bush Camp


  • Dinner, overnight stay and breakfast

Comfortable seating for proper photography…

be wise and drive with us

Our Land Cruisers, specially modified for wildlife observation, feature wide window seats, and the roof can be raised at waterholes. This allows you to comfortably take photographs while sitting or standing.

Etosha National Park – east

We understand that many of our guests come to Namibia primarily for wildlife observation. Therefore, we have planned two nights in the eastern part of the Etosha National Park. In this region, the slightly more abundant vegetation and numerous springs guarantee a higher density of animals. The chances of seeing lions are particularly high here. Additionally, the dwarf antelopes, paradise cranes, and often rhinos make this region interesting.


Consider booking an additional guided game drive led by locals. We would be happy to recommend an experienced local guide for you.

Day 15

Great all year round…



  • Full-board
  • One game drive in an open safari vehicle, guided by well-trained rangers

The Africat Foundation – Leopards, Cheetahs & Brown Hyenas

The Otjikoto Lake, a large doline, can be visited on today’s route—a peculiar lake with unexplored depth, mysterious and beautiful.

This is the home of the Africat Foundation, a foundation dedicated to African cats. Much time and energy are invested here in the conservation and research of various wild cats, primarily cheetahs and leopards. A successful observation of wild leopards is almost guaranteed, and you also get to see other cats like cheetahs. Another wonderful sighting would be a brown hyena!

We will participate in a game drive with local guides/experts in open 4×4 safari vehicles. Photographers will thoroughly enjoy these game drives, as their needs are taken into consideration. Well-guided walks and game drives provide visitors with insights into the nature and the workings of the project.


Day 16

Hope to see you again… soon

Unfortunately, farewell…

The final leg of the journey proceeds swiftly, ensuring ample time in the capital to acquire Namibian crafts as souvenirs or indulge in a last delicious game steak paired with Namibian beer for lunch. In the afternoon, we will take you to the airport or a recommended accommodation, organising your transfer if needed.



Indicative prices for 2024

ParticipantsPer Person
1 Person$ 15.425'30
2 Persons$ 10.041'90
3 Persons$ 8.247'80
4 Persons$ 7.350'20
5 Persons$ 6.812'30
6 Persons$ 6.453'70
7 Persons$ 6.197'40
Single occupancy$ 1.183'60

We are happy to answer frequently asked questions in advance

This trip is designed to cater to a broad range of interests, and you will have suitable weather for your observations at various locations throughout the year. If you are particularly interested in wildlife observation, this journey would be ideal from May to November. If you wish to savor the fantastic desert landscapes, February, March, and April would be very suitable.

Yes, this safari offers a very diverse mix of various attractions, a variety of landscapes, wonderful botany, a good insight into Namibia’s rich history, and the opportunity to see a wide range of animals.


Certainly, you tell us what particularly interests you, and we will adjust the itinerary accordingly.

This trip offers an exclusive experience in extremely comfortable accommodations, far removed from the usual, disruptive routine of tourism. The accommodations themselves are already a highlight, situated amid breathtaking landscapes that are privately protected and surrounded. Through a direct collaboration, we can offer you this trip at a direct price, making it a particularly attractive offer.

An offer especially for you! Simply let us know your change requests in this form.

send us a non-binding inquiry for 'Ondili Meumbo - guided'

This safari was last updated on 25. July 2024 @ 14:13

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