Here you can publish your experiences, suggestions and ideas for improvement.

Many thanks

The self-drive individual Safari “Namibian Wonders”, organized as a family safari in June 2024

We arrived home safely today. On behalf of my family, I would like to thank you and your staff for organizing such a fantastic trip. Everything went smoothly, the lodges were very beautiful—each with its own character or charm—and the tips and tricks in your little handbook were also very helpful, as was the possibility to ask you for advice via WhatsApp on short notice.

In addition to your suggestions, we also did a dune excursion in Sandwich Harbour while in Swakopmund (absolutely beautiful) and stopped at the crocodile farm halfway on our way back from Etosha to Windhoek. And on Friday night, my teenagers dragged me to a nightclub in Windhoek…

If you need photos as testimonials for your website, we would be happy to provide them.

Kind regards,



The self-drive individual Safari to selected highlights of Namibia, including Kaokoland & Etosha. May 2024

Dear Albert and Lisa,

Today, we’ve reached the final leg of our fantastic journey. We’d love to bid farewell in person with a glass of wine and chat for hours about all the unique moments we’ve experienced over the past three weeks. Unfortunately, we’ll have to say goodbye via WhatsApp, but we want to sincerely thank you for the perfect planning. From the route planning to the clever selection of lodges and the choice of car rental company, not to mention the personal touches like the glass of champagne – everything was perfect. This trip has deeply moved us, and we’ll always carry it in our hearts and share it at home. Hopefully, we’ll see you again at the Trade Fair in 2025!

Best wishes and all the best,
Achim and Brigitte

Review of Achim and Brigitte of the newly renovated Emanya Lodge in the eastern Part near Etosha National Park.

Dear Albert,

We are happy to share our impressions of the EMANYA Lodge, where we stayed at the end of May for two nights.

First and foremost, this lodge was a highlight for us. Its modern elegance, especially the main house, serves as a distinct contrast to a traditional lodge and is definitely recommendable. We couldn’t find any remnants of renovation; on the contrary, everything was clean and spacious (as the owner informed us, an interior architect from Swakopmund was involved).

Good taste is evident, for instance, in the alternating table settings with color-coordinated tablecloths, napkins, and decorations. The owners live in their own house within the grounds, which might explain their particular attention to detail.

The staff is attentive and well-trained. The breakfast buffet offers a wide selection, and the extensive meals— we counted 7 courses— were not only delicious but also visually appealing. Impressively, water features adorn the staircase leading to the lodge, and the grounds are maintained with lush lawns— they have their own wells, we learned.

The rooms are spacious in thatched-roof buildings, and the interior is stylishly designed. There’s also a large, clean pool perfect for swimming and a private waterhole attracting wildlife.

Being relatively close to Etosha Park, it’s a great alternative to Mushara. In short, the lodge offers a high level of relaxation and rejuvenation. We were truly delighted to stay there and would return without hesitation!

Best regards to Swakopmund, and wishing you a pleasant weekend,

Achim and Brigitte

P.S. Aside from praise in the lodge’s feedback form, the only suggestion was “More variety in the lounge music.” Otherwise, we couldn’t think of anything else..


The guided individual Safari to selected highlights of Namibia, February/March 2024


Even as daily life tries to catch up with us, our minds are often still lingering on our unforgettable vacation in Namibia. Thanks to you, dear Albert, we had the privilege of experiencing a breathtaking journey. This was by far the most impressive holiday of our lives!

For nearly 3 weeks, we explored the wonders of South-West Namibia, a truly beautiful and enchanting land. We, four inexperienced travelers to Africa, took quite some time to finally commit to this journey. 10 years, perhaps? Yet, from the outset, it was never in doubt that we would book with you, Albert, when the time came. And then, the time arrived, and the preparations began.

The tips and advice on your website’s “Infos” section and in your blogs were extremely helpful to us—things like packing lists, clothing, tipping, hats, etc. Communication was also reliably smooth.

Our focus for the itinerary was on nature, landscapes, people, and history. While animals were welcome, they were not our primary focus. However, we all now agree that we saw an extraordinary number of them and discovered a new side of ourselves in the process. Until now, we didn’t realize how enjoyable animal observations could be. The fascination is indescribable, especially when combined with a sundowner. Thanks to you, dear Albert, and your expertise, we are still utterly overwhelmed. And that’s no exaggeration!

Where should we begin? Dreamlike and diverse landscapes, accommodations that often left us in awe, exquisite cuisine, animal sightings of creatures with 2, 4, 6, and 8 legs (excluding millipedes and snakes), hikes in uninhabited nature, your successful and varied tour planning… and let’s not forget and underestimate: YOUR COMPANY!

Your humor, your knowledge, your hospitality, your sheer enthusiasm for birdlife… not only did this provide us with an incredibly beautiful and diverse journey, but we can also proudly say it was an educational trip for us! Including a daily book recommendation 😉

Thanks to your vast experiences and your incredible way of sharing them, we often simply enjoyed listening to you. Through this, you gave us a remarkable insight into the appealing yet challenging life in Namibia, your homeland, in a charming, lovable way that only you can.

For this, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Claudia & Günther, and Cindy & Gernot

Individually created Selfdrive Tour “10 days Namib, Swakop & Africat”


Big thank you to the Leaflove Safari Team – and Albert in particular – for having organised a “one in a lifetime” ten day selfdriving roundtrip through Namibia! We could enjoy every second of it thanks to the fantastically prepared logistics, individually chosen accommodations and activities prebooked to our taste. Thanks to his excellent contacts Albert was even able to find fairytale accommodations when one of the booked lodges burned down ten days prior to our departure. Thank You very much, we will come back!

Jochen von K.


Individually created Selfdrive Tour “Via Cats, Coast & Desert”


Dear Albert and the entire Leaflove Team,

Thank you for organizing this unforgettable trip! We traveled with our three teenage sons. Everything was organized to perfection and catered to everyone’s needs, providing a mix of action, adventure, and luxurious accommodations. The pre-programmed navigation routes and the secure car ensured our safety and peace of mind as a mother. From visiting a wild cat foundation to exploring deserts, amazing stone formations, and the coast, every moment was filled with excitement. The variety of experiences made it feel like we were traveling for months, even though it was only 2 weeks. We are already looking forward to returning and discovering the next region. We will definitely recommend Leaflove Safari to our friends. Hope to be back soon!

Warm regards, Larissa & Christoph


Birding tour “Avifauna – Namib to Zambezi 2023”


Namibia, a fantastic destination for bird enthusiasts.
For me, it was a repeat experience, as soon as my friends signed up for the tour, it was clear to me that I wanted to be part of it again. Swakopmund with the Atlantic coast and Spitzkoppe were new destinations on this tour. Since I knew Albert as a guide from the first tour, I knew that we were traveling with a highly skilled guide, and that was confirmed once again. He knows where the hotspots are, and he doesn’t rest until he can show us the rare species. This was quite challenging in the high temperatures. I think it’s a good idea to start the trip next year in September. For me, there were many highlights, such as the coast with thousands of flamingos and waders, and in the wetlands, all species of herons and storks, cranes, bustards, owls, etc. At the end, we had about 380 species on our list, including the Leaflove, the namesake for our guide Albert’s company. For me, it was once again an adventurous tour, and the repetition was a good decision.

Dirk O.

Birding tour “Avifauna – Namib to Zambezi 2023”


We will definitely come back!
After hearing enthusiastic reports from our friends about the pilot trip to Namibia in 2022, we naturally had high expectations. And we were not disappointed! From the very beginning, we felt comfortable in the group with an ideal size of 5 participants and our tour guide, Albert. Albert had a knack for making each day special. He was tireless in showing us the highlights, resulting in us spotting a total of 391 bird species and numerous different mammals, a remarkable feat given the dry conditions.
We were very pleased with the accommodations, except for the Etosha Safari Camp, which felt ‘too crowded and touristy’ to us, but it was conveniently located near the entrance to the national park. Just 2 days after our return, Albert had already sent out the travel report along with a link to eBird—a superb service! The memories of this fantastic journey, enjoying Rock Shandy and Amarula by the campfire, and the unique atmosphere of the country linger with us. We will definitely be back!

Sabine J. and Kerstin G.

Birding tour “Habits & Habitats” individually arranged for intensive nature observation in Namibia – 20 days


Dear Albert,

We would like to thank you again for the great and excellently organised trip and the amazing guidance by you. It was our first trip to Namibia; we deliberately wanted to focus on birds, plants and nature in general and not on any large animals. You put together a nice itinerary for us, not too long driving distances but still varied and representative of the different types of landscape. The accommodation was all very well chosen and we enjoyed it. The stay on your farm was pleasant, relaxed and yet varied with some ornithological highlights such as the golden snipe and various bustards. Unfortunately, we could only observe the secretary and the black stork flying away. 

And of course you guided us in a great and competent way: Unbelievable how many bird species you were able to show and explain to us; if we had been on our own, we would only have seen a fraction of them and probably wouldn’t even have been able to identify most of them. There were so many special birds that it would be too long to list them. We were also impressed by your knowledge of geology, plants and different shrubs and trees. What we found especially nice: That you had your mother prepare a few fine dishes especially for our stay on your farm – it was delicious.

Now we will let the many impressions sink in and follow up the trip with photos and reading.

All the best from Martina and Gerhard

Join us Birding Tour “Avifauna Okavango” in the North East of Namibia – 15 days

Our trip was full of discoveries right from the start.

Thanks to our excellent tour guide, there were new highlights and completely new species to discover every day. This started in the morning before breakfast and after a full day’s programme we went out again in the evening to look for owls and nightjars, always with success. On the way to our accommodation, Albert always had local guides who searched the surroundings with us for hidden species and so we discovered the rare leaflove or the bulrush. I could list many more species, the owls thrilled me, but discovering Marina Trogon or Shalows Turaco were also highlights for me. The group with only 5 participants was of course optimal and the accommodation was a very good mix of lodges and very close-to-nature camps. A very successful trip.

 Dirk O.

Self-drive tour “Etosha KaokoDamara” in the North West of Namibia – 21 days


Hello Albert,

 As promised, we are getting in touch with you again after the suitcases have been unpacked.

The trip was according to our expectations and very well prepared by you. Everything worked out. Unfortunately the big predators did not show up, ( you will have to let them know we’re coming next time).

We left the navigation system with Africa on Wheels. It worked great, only at the Waterberg it was a bit spotty.

The Waterberg de la Bat Restcamp cannot be found on the signs on the D2512. You have to drive in at …… see picture in the attachment.

It is a pity that our journey is already over. We will certainly enjoy the pictures and keep the memories alive.

Kind regards

 Gaby and Siegfried

Self-drive tour “Key Points of Namibia” to the main sights of Namibia – 21 days


We are now back home, unfortunately, in everyday life, but often think of our impressive trip 🧳. Thank you again for the superb organisation, all four of us were totally satisfied with the choice of lodges. Otjiwa Lodge was the best. The best was saved for last 😉. The food tasted great and everything was arranged lots of love. Best regards

Petra and Andy K.

Guided Birding Tour to the North East of Namibia – Avifauna Okavango – 15 days.
Provider: Birdingtours GMBH
Groundwork: Leaflove Safari cc

I arrived home safe and sound, but my thoughts and heart are still in Namibia 😍
Albert, I don’t have words to describe this incredible, fascinating and diverse trip.
Thank you for all the unforgettable moments, 😊 all the beautiful and rare birds you discovered for us, I am totally aware that this is not a given at all.
I will remember this trip for a very, very long time 😍
Regards from the cold and foggy Switzerland 😉

Brigitte M.

geführte Birdingreise in den Nordosten Namibias – Avifauna Okavango – 15 Tage
Anbieter: Birdingtours GMBH
Groundwork: Leaflove Safari cc

Dear Mrs Kirilova

Dear Mr Stoll,

We are now back from our Namibia trip into the cold of Germany,

First of all, a big praise for the organisation of Birdingtours. I felt very well looked after at all times and always had the feeling that Mrs Kirilova was there with all her heart. Thank you for that.

I have already made many trips with Birdingtours and this trip was something very special for me. For me it was the first trip to Africa and I am still full of the many new impressions.

The trip was just perfect from my point of view. Albert was so well organised and always sovereign and we not only laughed a lot, he also told us an incredible amount about the country, the history, the nature and also about his life. Every question was answered and even at every loud “stop” we stopped for a photo. This was a great gift for me. We were able to see so many and also rare birds and that was also thanks to Albert’s tireless ambition.

I have only one criticism: the trip is already over….

Two of my friends have already signed up for the Namibia trip in 2023 and I am sure they will be as excited as I am.

Thanks again to all involved

Claudia v V.

Guided round trip to the wildlife-rich areas of Namibia – 21 days

Dear Albert, it has happened!

After a long time of hoping and worrying during this difficult time, we were actually all allowed to get off in Windhoek and spend three wonderful, carefree weeks with you, far away from Corona.
We drove through magnificent landscapes and learned many new and exciting things about people, fauna and flora. We would like to thank you very much for your planning, prudence, driving skills and especially for sharing so many episodes from your life with us. You have (once again) outdone yourself!
Of course we have made a note that you might come to Zurich in the new year and we will be at the fair to promote Leaflove Safari!

vreeslik baie Dankie Albert, it was great. All the best to you and your family,

Your Seppi & Annemarie, Maren und Fritz, Heidi and Sepp, Marina & Christian, Dolly, Renata (Mindfulness and wonderful impressions) and Bärbel from Passage Travel from Switzerland.

Guided Round Trip to the North East of Namibia – 10 days – “Caprivi” individually and slightly cheaper designed July 2022

Hi Albert,

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

My memory card is overflowing and I can’t wait to be back. Your patience has been tried, I know, but the results are beautiful. Thank you for the intense observations and extra information.

I will follow your recommendation to choose the “better” lodges next time, I didn’t realise that there are so many other tourists 🙂

Thank you for finding the banded owl and the early visit of the cheetahs in Etosha Park…. I live on the memories.

keep it rolling, Norbert S.

Self-drive tour to the main sights of Namibia – 17 days – “Key points Namibia” individually and high quality designed October 2021

Dear Leaflove Team, Albert,

The trip was a complete success for us, even though we learned on the way that we would do two things differently on a second visit:

– We regretted that we only spent one day each in the wonderful lodges like Wolwedans, Rostock Ritz or Spitzkoppe. Our heads were so full of impressions after each day that we couldn’t really process it. After dinner it was time to go straight to bed – and we have never slept so much on a trip to be fit for new activities each day.

– The two days in Swakopmund were a great time to recover, we could have stayed here longer.

These changes we plan to do on our next trip are not because we found your planning wrong. We wanted to see a lot and you made it possible for us to do so. And 17 days are not long enough for Namibia … The first part of the tour was more about landscape, geography and geology (my thing) and the second part was dominated by animal observations (Bärbel’s main interest). Everyone got their money’s worth.

Etosha and Okonjima were more relaxed because we were in one place for longer and the distances weren’t as large. In Etosha N.P. we made the mistake of biting off too much than we could chew, we didn’t know any better. We visited almost all the waterholes on our way through the park (grrrrrr) and were usually there at the wrong time. Afterwards we learned to pick out only 3,4 or 5 waterholes and to go to them again and again. The tours with the guide from Mushara made everything right again.

Okonjima was the crowning glory. Great ambience, very good service and with Gabriel a top guide with whom we made four trips. In general, several circumstances played into our cards that made our trip such an experience: 1. your professional planning according to our wishes.

2. the fact that tourism had only just started again. All the lodges were almost empty or sparsely frequented and, with one exception, we always had the guides to ourselves. In general, the guides were the biggest plus for us. We could ask them questions and they answered everything patiently. I think they were also happy to share their knowledge and showed us what they were capable of. Great cinema. With Gabriel it was almost a bit private at the end and we talked about things he probably doesn’t normally talk about.

Bärbel was a super driver and drove the entire 2600 km alone. Wasn’t always easy driving through the desert with two oncoming cars per day, the great heat and tiring landscape …

Our highlights were:

1st Wolwedans with our own house and Jakes as a perfect guide including the visit to Stephan’s academy. Very impressive

2. Sossuvlei at sunrise

3. the desert tour in Swakopmund with Chantalle – simply sensational woman!

4. Spitzkoppe Lodge with the best sundowner

5. night at the waterhole in Etosha

6. a lioness hunting prey

7. an elephant in 5 metres in front of us on, where we didn’t know whether it would knock over our car or not …

8. the safaris with Gabriel in Okonjima.

I hope you can do something with my information and if you have any questions, please let me know. I end my letter and the year 2021 with all good wishes for the year 2022. Above all, stay healthy and things will pick up again. I am sure of it and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Bärbel and I are keeping our fingers crossed for you – and we will hear from each other again.

Best regards Sigi

Self-drive Bird Photography Tour: In the game-rich Etosha & Caprivi October / November 2021

Dear Albert,

You have put together another wonderful trip for us! A successful mixture of familiar and new, of relaxing and adventurous-exciting moments. Our expectations were exceeded again, this time we had plenty of animal sightings at the waterholes, more than 40 lions should suffice as a hint. And we were able to get hold of 14 new bird species, how right you were (“You always see something”).

The FJ Cruiser was the ideal vehicle for us, thank you very much!

The logistics worked perfectly, except for – once again! – the journey to the airport by Deutsche Bahn.

With kind regards Michael

Nature Photography – Birds – Dragonflies – Butterflies and more…

Self-drive tour: In the game-rich Etosha & Caprivi September 2021

Dear Albert,

The 3-week trip focused on wildlife viewing, biodiversity and photography and took us from the Central Highlands through the entire Etosha National Park and then through the entire Caprivi Strip with stops at the Okavango, Kwando and Chobe Rivers. Our high expectations were fully met and in some cases even exceeded. We saw and experienced so much that I cannot list any details here. The organisation was perfect, all (sometimes complicated) procedures worked 100%, it doesn’t get any better than that. The accommodations were all excellent and as requested, all with experience value, especially the game drives by car or boat (special praise for Peter Visagie). All guides were competent and eager. Our car, a Toyota Fortuner, was just right for our requirements, only the sat nav led us into a dead end twice.

Five out of five stars for the whole trip. Dear Albert, thank you for everything and we hope for another opportunity to visit your great country.

Many greetings from Christel and Burkhard, Andrea and Frank.

Self-drive Round Trip – “Key Points Namibia” in May 2021

Dear Albert,

after a smooth return on Friday, a busy Saturday in the garden – the grass was half a metre high – , now we have to catch up on the trip and sort out the more than 700 pictures. That will take a few more days, but the weather is unpredictable, so we will likely have enough time at our desk.

First a note about the return flight. We were very relaxed about the whole thing, but then we got a bit nervous when we were asked at the airport whether we had checked in electronically. Yet it wasn’t there at the check-in, but it had to be filled out before boarding. At some point we had the paper in our hands, which was designed by a seemingly illiterate person, and filled it out. All the hustle and bustle was in vain, because it was handed out on the plane shortly before landing. It said that you would be asked for it at passport control when entering the country, and if not, to send it to a specific address. So it happened to be that nobody wanted to see this paper and we sent it from home to add to the bureaucratic chaos. By the way, that’s how it was with almost all the Germans we met at the airport. Maybe a little hint to your guests would be useful, that if you couldn’t re-register electronically, you would get the appropriate form on the plane and you shouldn’t let yourself be driven crazy by some jerks at the airport.

Then a supplement to the Lodge Rostock Ritz. We’ve mentioned the fact that we were not so happy there, but this needs further explanation. The night before, we stayed at the luxury hostel Little Kulala, which is probably one of the best there is. However, there was a problem with some food that kept us (and the Klein family sitting at the table with us) busy all night, namely in the toilet. The management was horrified, all levers were pulled to see what it could have been and everyone was terribly sorry. In short, we were not well the next day either. And in this state, of course, we could not enjoy the beautiful location of the lodge, the game drive or the meal on the lovely terrace. Instead, we went to bed at eight. The people took great care of us and I think we would have enjoyed the lodge very much if we had been in good health. My wife’s comment: she found the rooms too dark, too small and the bathroom/toilet, which was only separated by a curtain, not particularly inviting. We are no tent nomads 😉

So, and now we come to a lot of positive things.

We had a great start to this trip: The Pick-up at the airport with a sim card for my mobile phone (!), breakfast together at the vineyard, short city tour for orientation, handover of the car – from the first moment we felt like we were visiting a friend. Everything was perfectly prepared, the maps and other material, the sat nav pre-programmed, who would have expected that. So our “adventure” started quite relaxed and this feeling accompanied us during the whole time. Kalahari Clayhouse Lodge was perfect for the first night under a magnificent starry sky and Bettina a very gracious hostess. At Zebra Lodge we were joined by animals at the waterhole and on the game drive, we also had many interesting conversations with the helpful staff or local guests. The few guests in Kulala gave us a phenomenal upgrade and we really can’t think of anything better than Little Kulala. Not only were the location, accommodation, food, drink and trips at their best, it was above all the attentiveness and warmth of the staff under Selma’s management that made this a once in a lifetime stay. We came as guests and left as friends. Grandiose landscapes on the way to Swakopmund, a very friendly welcome at Hotel Rapmund, large rooms, plenty of space, great location, always recommendable. We enjoyed our three nights in the German town by the sea. Then back on pad to Twyfelfontein, incredible landscapes, lonely drives on sand and gravel roads. We thought of your hint that we would definitely have a tyre change, we were spared. Nevertheless, we experienced the extraordinary helpfulness of the Namibians, who stopped and asked if we needed help as soon as we pulled over to take a photo. We then did the same for other drivers, of course. Twyfelfontein Lodge was an architectural gem in the middle of the rock, the cottages overlooking the desert and the waterhole. And just in time for our arrival, the famous desert elephants also came to the water and gave us incredible photos. The petroglyphs are not a World Heritage Site for nothing, they alone are worth a trip to Twyfelfontein. Two great days at the lodge and again the observation how friendly and open the people there were, especially the staff, but also local or South African guests. Interesting observation: the few Europeans were rather closed, with the exception of the Stauss family. Maybe we should move to Namibia after all. The large Etosha Safari Lodge was as good as empty, which of course made it even more charming, but its location is ideal for the park visit the next morning. Interrupted by a night at Halali (no further comment on that), we spent two days of incredible game viewing. It was like being in a movie! A highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the night at Mushara Bushcamp with Nakale and his team. Extremely friendly and helpful, they made our stay one of our best experiences and their and our inquisitiveness ensured a long evening at the braai despite the cold. Now everyone there knows about the Southern Cross and the Capetown Coal Sack. Sadly, we had to move on the next day. Over the Waterberg with its incredible landscape we went to the Erindi Old Traders Lodge, pure luxury. Once again the wildlife gave its all, at the waterhole and on the game drive. Lions, wild dogs and leopards crossed our path, Steven, our guide, gave everything, only the cheetahs had other plans. But we had a last gin and tonic as a sundowner in the endless steppe. With heavy hearts, we started our return journey to Windhoek the next day. Thanks to the navigation system, we quickly found Casa Piccolo, a very pleasant place to stay. We spent the evening with Willy Klein in Leo’s Garden, where we listened to exciting Southwestern stories over German food. It was interesting for us to experience that German culture is still alive in Namibia. The test the next day, short city tour, return the car, enjoy the sun in the hotel. Dinner at Utopia opposite, was very tasty and uncomplicated. The last time Oryx for some time, hopefully not forever. So, dear Albert, those were our experiences and impressions. All in all, an unforgettable and super relaxed holiday, which we owe in large part to your good planning and preparation. Nothing could have been better, we felt in the best hands at all times. Thank you very much for that! And we hope that many of our friends will follow our example and discover this beautiful and friendly country with you. We will do our part.

I think we will stay in touch via your blog or otherwise, hopefully see you again at CMT 2022 (we only live about 30 minutes from the fair) and wish you and your family all the best until then.

Best regards Gerhard & Ute

Guided Individual Trip – “Ornithology & Nature Photography” in March / April 2021

Dear Albert,

Thank you very much for this wonderful journey through this highly interesting country of unimaginable contrasts! We were able to see and photograph not only the “Big Five”, the “Little 5” of the desert, but also the only endemic bird species and 10 of 14 “near-endemics” as well as hundreds of other bird species, many mammals, some reptiles and insects. Your guide and driver Hartmut Kolb was our admirable eye, ear, competent explainer of the dune life, the geological phenomena and the overwhelming starry sky. In these extraordinary times you were able to reconcile our wishes with the almost daily changing necessities of the pandemic restrictions flexibly and (for us) without difficulty. It was a miracle to be able to make such an impressive journey at all. We will live off the impressions for a long time, even when the flood of pictures has been sorted and processed. We would love to come again!


Selbstfahrertour – individuell angepasst – „Beginner’s Traum” Oktober 2020

Dear Albert,

Thank you once again for your great organisation. Without you, our Namibia trip would not have gone so smoothly. When you come to Germany, you are very welcome in Markt Berolzheim. Flight and entry were without any problems, even though the corona numbers in our district were high. Best regards also to Lisa,


Orni- Big Five / Sept.Oct. 2019

Dear Albert,

It has been more than a week since we left your beloved Namibia and returned to cooler Switzerland. We would like to thank you again very, very much for the great trip. It will remain unforgotten! Besides the Big 5, crocodiles and many other mammals, we experienced Namibia’s pure nature with you and also got to know, observe and distinguish many birds. We now know what a swallow-tailed spint or a pronghorn racke looks like and in future we will look at the different “flying objects” in this country a little more closely. In a lively way you also shared with us your great knowledge and personal attitude about the people, the life, the problems and difficulties in Namibia. Aspects that help us to get closer to Africa and to understand it. Albert, we really appreciated your bubbly, open and direct communication and the 3 weeks with you were great and fun. You will remain unforgotten! Above all, we wish you good health!!!, much joy with your family and success and satisfaction in all your activities. Long live Leaflove!

Sincere greetings from Marianne and Moritz Studer

Galton’s Plan, 4-18.9.2019

Dear Albert,

A wonderful trip is now in the past. Your absolutely perfect, highly knowledgeable and sophisticated organisation of our trip has resulted in a very relaxed and enjoyable journey. I can highly recommend LEAFLOVESAFARI to everyone. Peter, who accompanied us, will have told you about the lodges and the bush camp. All of them are tiptop clean, Sesfontein is clearly in need of renovation, but every single accommodation is special and beautiful. The overnight stay on the Grootberg, virtually on the precipice and with a sensational view, was a highlight. We got on very well with Peter. He brought us closer to Namibia’s north in all its many facets in a knowledgeable and sensitive way. His empathy and love for Namibia, flora, fauna and habitat is contagious and comprehensible to us all along the line. He showed us several insights and “corners” that we definitely would not have found and/or seen without his guidance. The Landcruiser provided excellent service – the ideal and reliable vehicle for this country and such trips. Many thanks for that too! For me, the geology and the people were particularly exciting. The drought, the thousands of kilometres of fences, the overgrazing and associated erosion were frightening and raise questions about the future. We are determined that this was not our last trip to Africa together – after all, the south of Namibia still wants to be “discovered” by us! Thank you very much for this unforgettably beautiful trip.

Your JL

Warm greetings from Germany Albert,

We have arrived home safely and are full of impressions from our first trip to Africa in Namibia. It was a great holiday and we thank you for that, because you organised and prepared everything efficiently. Our tour guide Hartmut was simply amazing and gave us an unforgettable impression of the country, the people and the flora and fauna. He has certainly already reported on the tour from his point of view. Our constructive suggestion for improvement is to show the different options (if there are any) in future travel plans, so that you can decide more consciously which category you want to book. Now we have to arrive back in Germany and process our experiences and think about how we can help Namibia from our Lions Club Mosbach in the future. The discussions in Ombili and with the Lions Club in Tsumeb have given us important impulses. Thank you again for your organisation. If you are ever in Germany again, please contact us. We would be happy to meet each other in person. And of course, if we plan to go on holiday in Namibia again, we will be happy to get in touch with you.

LG Manfred

Dear Albert,

We have returned home safe and sound with many wonderful impressions and far too many photos. Somehow we are slowly returning to everyday life. The trip was simply too beautiful and we are very satisfied. Everything went very well with both guides. They represented you in a worthy manner.

But we would also like to thank you especially for the great planning. Every evening we thought that after everything we had seen and experienced during the day, the next day would not be able to top it – this was not the case. Every day brought new highlights, the route and the stays were so optimal. With our preference for barren landscapes and interest in geology, we were already thrilled in the first few days. And then came the animals – more every day, especially elephants. Maybe we were a bit lucky there, it was great in any case. Some of the accommodation was brilliant (Nambwa upgraded us to the Main Lodge) and all of it was good. If you need more detailed information about anything, please let us know. Our impressions are still fresh.

If you are in Europe at some point let us know. Then maybe we can meet, e.g. at a trade fair. If we can afford such a trip again, we will definitely get in touch with you.

We wish you all the best and above all that the treatment is successful and that you get well soon.

Best wishes and thank you for everything

Claudia + Piotr

Dear Albert,

Now we are back in wet and dark Germany. I have resolved to study and get to know my surroundings better in the future. You have inspired me with your curiosity and knowledge! All the best and see you soon for sure,

Waldemar R.

Grüezi Mr Voigts

We are back in Switzerland and I would like to thank you very much. Our trip to Namibia cannot be topped. The lodges were all top class and we experienced all the animals up close right before our eyes, except for the leopard. The service was excellent. We never had to wait for anything or anyone. Just excellent.

Two comments, which are negligible: it would have been more pleasant to have the last overnight stay in the Victoria Falls region.

FYI, the last visa is $50 today instead of $30.

I can recommend this trip to everyone (Big Five).

Thanks again and I wish you a good season.

Kind regards

Werner R.

Hello and a very good day to you Albert Voigts v.S.

Yes, we have been for two weeks right about now and the wonderful experiences in Namibia are always immediately recallable ! It was a wonderful tour and our time was over much too fast ! We noticed immediately that you had chosen the most beautiful and comfortable lodges for us. Everything was just right: the very reliable Toyota, all the activities and the feel-good accommodation, the delicious meals and, despite the many magical travel adventures, it was not at all exhausting and we came back refreshed. Sometimes we asked ourselves which was the most beautiful accommodation. We can’t say, because everything was excellent in its own way and there is no “outlier” to the bottom ! Helene from Mahango Safari Lodge sends her best regards and told us about a visit to her family. We felt at home everywhere ! So thank you again for your efforts, everything was excellent !!!! Warm autumnal and sunny greetings from Stadthagen

From Regina and Charly B.

Hello Mr Voigts from Schütz,

We arrived home safely on Friday in frosty temperatures (what a contrast to the temperatures during the trip!). On behalf of all the participants in our small group, I would like to thank you very much for the round trip you organised with its many scenic and “animal” sights. Other highlights for us were the lodges you selected, which made the overnight stays a very special “experience” in their own right. Just a few examples are the Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch, Eagle’s Nest Chalets in Klein-Aus Vista or the Mushara Bush Camp. We would have liked to stay longer at such places. But it was our guide Richard who really brought this trip to life. He always chauffeured and accompanied us very carefully, told us a lot about the country and its people, took us to wonderful places and excellent restaurants. With Richard, you have a staff member who contributed decisively to the success of the trip. Thank you very much for this as well. We will gladly recommend Leaflove Safari to others.

Many greetings from autumnal Bavaria,

Hubert W.

Dear Mr Voigts,

We’ve been back home since yesterday, and before the daily grind takes us back, here’s a brief feedback on our trip: Everything worked out great. The trip was perfectly organised and perfectly executed. Rolf brought us very close to Namibia, he knows the answer to every question and much more. He looked after us very well and tirelessly showed us everything or accompanied us. In summary: We had a wonderful time in Namibia and would like to thank you for putting our trip together, choosing the accommodation etc. We will gladly recommend Nomtsas to others. If you have prospective clients from the German-speaking area, please feel free to pass on our telephone number or email address, we think it is very useful (for you and for prospective clients) when “old clients” give recommendations. We would be happy to do so. With best regards from the cold of Germany

Margot and Hans H.

Hello Mr Voigts from Schütz,

After our return we would like to get in touch again to tell you about our adventure. The overall concept of the safari, the chosen accommodation (with one exception) and the rental vehicle met our expectations and enabled us to have an unforgettably beautiful holiday. We were also pleased that we got to know each other personally. We tested the SAT-telephone as discussed and were still able to make phone calls at the southernmost point of our trip, at the red Aloe garipensis at Fishriver Canyon.

We had the best experience with the Tokkie Trek map, see:, for travel logging and navigation and can recommend it without reservation. The only downer for us was the accommodation in the Okapuka Ranch.

All in all, we got to know Namibia from many different sides and as different as the nature and accommodation were, each station of the trip had its own special charm.

Thank you and greetings from the Upper Moselle,

Frank & Claudine

Hello, dear Albert,

Although the Berlin rush has us in its grip again, our minds are still in Africa. There is a reason for that, because you have put together another wonderful trip for us. Everything worked out fine, the lodges were in fantastic locations, we got to know Namibia in its unbelievably wonderful variety of animals, yes, and Klaus was such a pleasant, clever companion who took excellent care of us at every possible moment and drove superbly.

Many thanks for everything.

And all the best to you and your family

Kalli and Silvi

Hello Mr Voigts,

We have been back from Namibia for a week now, yet we still have the dreamlike trip on our minds. We really enjoyed the private safari with Richard. We have been on many great trips, but this was a very special one. Just thinking back to the amazing scenery, the many wildlife sightings, the spectacular photo stops, the great accommodation and the super tour guide by Richard, we could go again immediately. Due to the necessary rebookings (Hobatere burnt down, Grootberg overbooked) we drove around a bit in Damaraland, but were able to see desert elephants twice and had the opportunity to stay at the sensational Vingerklip Lodge and dine at Eagles Nest in the evening. It was great that Grootberg worked out for at least one more night. The approach and view are truly spectacular. The overnight stays in Etosha National Park at Okaukuejo Camp were also sensational just because of the waterhole with animals coming and going. Maybe you should rather choose another accommodation for future bookings at the Waterberg. Currently, the pool was not intact, the hiking trails overgrown and the footbridges fragile, and the fly screen in our room could not be pushed open. On the other hand, the food was great.

Here’s a tip for the packing list: We missed a nasal spray to moisturise our noses due to the dry air!

Thank you very much for this great trip. Maybe we will meet in person at one of the travel fairs next year.

Many greetings from Germany, which has become cold in the meantime.

Anja and Bernd

Dear Mr Voigts von Schütz, you did not promise us too much: our trip through Namibia was a great experience. The route and timing were cleverly planned and you chose fantastic lodges. Each one was different in its kind, but we felt comfortable in all of them. An important contribution to the success of the trip was made by our companion and guide Hartmut Kolb. He not only has a comprehensive knowledge of the country and its people, but he was also able to satisfy my wife’s great thirst for knowledge about animals and plants. He looked after us prudently and he arranged several excursions for us on the side.We owe him many special impressions and many an exciting experience.
We thank you for the good preparation and execution of the trip, it will remain in our good memories. We will gladly recommend you to others 

Best regards, Ingrid and Heiner G.

BIRDS – Readers’ Trip 2009

I have been back from the pilot trip to Namibia since Tuesday afternoon.

Since I had to get back into the frying pan immediately due to my full-time job, I can only briefly report now. The trip was wonderful! In Namibia it was raining from November to February like never before in living memory. So we drove and hiked through a blossoming, green paradise. Waving seas of grass stretching to the horizon with masses of wildlife.

Bird-wise, the trip was very fruitful, we saw more than 280 species of birds, including quite a few of the near and true endemics. I will certainly not be able to recognise every lark, but will certainly remember every eagle observation. Short list: Rock (Kaffir), Scream, Savannah, Lesser, African Hawk, Silver, Martial Eagle, as well as African Fish Eagle, Black-breasted and One-coloured Snake Eagle, Eared and White-backed Vulture, Bateleur, Amur, Red-footed, Afr. Turm, Dwarf, Red-necked, Pallid, Reddish, Peregrine, Lanner Falcon, Shikra, Song Goshawk, Gabar Goshawk, Parasitic Kite, Barred Hawk, many Steppe Buzzards (B.b. vulpinus) … Exciting for me a Honey Buzzard (Immat.) circling over Windhuek’s sewage treatment plant.

We saw all the tokos to be expected, lots of “lbj”, beautiful weavers, breeding herons, tens of thousands (!!!) of Cape Cormorants and all the other shags, fur seals to touch, lots of limousines, including golden snipe (!), Odin’s grouse and redshank, all the gulls and terns to be expected. A Saddle-billed Stork in Etosha was remarkable, four species of owls too. Incredible the probably more than a thousand Black-fronted Shrikes we could see, or the singing Yellow Warbler at the Waterberg.

And there was also (selection): Lion, bat-eared fox, white rhino, elephant, oryx, hartebeest, eland, kudu, both wildebeest, thousands of springbok and zebra and especially impressive the Hartmann’s mountain zebra. We often had the feeling of being in paradise, the variety of landscapes is hard to believe, the lodges were first class, the food excellent, the tour guide Albert Voigts competent, entertaining, committed.

Almost everyone in the group wants to go again. To the Caprivi. 2011 – With birdingtours –

Thomas Griesohn-Pflieger

VÖGEL – The Birdwatching Magazine

Dear Albert, an AMAZING trip, we are totally thrilled.

The composition of the trip and the selection of the lodges were really well done. Every day contained a highlight, whether it was game viewing or magnificent landscapes. The bird and plant life was not neglected either. Klaus, with his knowledge of the country and its people, was a real stroke of luck for us. Nothing escaped his peering eyes, he drew our attention to many things we would certainly not have seen otherwise. Klaus was also sovereign behind the wheel. Neuras is very interesting but at the end we would have preferred to spend 2 nights in Rostock Ritz. Okonjima is highly recommendable from our point of view. Have you ever thought about a guest picture gallery? Thanks again and all the best to you and Leaflove Safari.

Kind regards Dagmar + Walter

We had a thoroughly enjoyable time on safari with Albert in Namibia several years ago. The hospitality & friendliness shown to us was very special. We still talk about the impromptu BBQ at Namuntomi (not sure of spelling Albert!) along with our four legged visitors!! We look forward to the time when family commitments allow us to go again!!!

Paul & Jenny Irwin Belfast, N.Ireland

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